Memorial trip

"AUSCHWITZ" a World War II concentration camp consisting of Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II-Birkenau, and Auschwitz III-Monowitz. It is written in the history books
as the largest complex of all German camps and is a symbol of the Holocaust.
Would you like to visit Auschwitz and Birkenau during an organized bus trip with an expert guide from the Netherlands?
Join us on our exclusive memorial journey. you will visit Auschwitz concentration camps and Birkenau extermination camp, Mittelbau Dora and Gross Rosen, among others. In Auschwitz and Birkenau, the Dutch guide will take you along the photos, documents and personal items of the prisoners, as well as the ruins of the terrible gas chambers and crematoria. In addition, a visit will also be made to the Mittelbau Dora concentration camps in Germany and Gros Rosen Concentration Camp in Poland. The Oskar Schindler factory in Krakow is also featured during this impressive Auschwitz memorial tour. Made world famous by the Oscar winning film “Schindler's List”, the factory now houses a fascinating museum. Finally, at the end of this gripping bus journey we will also drive to the beautiful city of Dresden in Germany. In the night of 13 to 14 February 1945, the beautiful city center was destroyed by a controversial Allied bombing raid and 25,000 civilians were killed. This special group tour is intended to keep alive the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and to commemorate what happened here. Read more below about the extensive program of this unique Auschwitz memorial trip to Mittelbau Dora, Krakow, Auschwitz, Birkenau and Dresden, among others.
Tour Dates:
1 t/m 7 April 2023 from € 899,-
11 t/m 17 November 2023 from € 915,-
1 person supplement € 211,-
When registering we ask for a deposit of €100,- pp
Booking costs € 4.95 per booking
Excursions to OA
Concentration camp/ V1 factory Mittelbau Dora
Schindler Museum and Factory
House of Oskar Schindler
Labor camp Plaszow
Old Jewish Ghetto
6 hours tour in Auschwitz I & Auschwitz II Birkenau
Wawel Castle
Concentration camp Groß-Rosen
Bombed city of Dresden
Dresden War Museum
Vervoer per luxe Comfort Class bus
vanuit Utrecht (P+R Utrecht Lunetten) and Zevenaar.
6x overnight stay in three and four star hotels.
6x extensive breakfast buffet, 3x packed lunch and 4x three-course dinner/dinner buffet.
Entrance fees to all museums and excursions, including visiting Auschwitz and Birkenau, Schindler museum,
Krakow, Dresden war museum, Mittelbau Dora.
During the entire tour information and information provided by our guide Danny Frenken.
Tour guide by Stephanie van Leeuwen
Tours to all the distinctive memorial sites.
An extensive excursion guide.
Tourist tax.
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